Award Winning Event and Party Decorators
Serving Greater Boston and the New England Region

A new dimension to the art of balloon sculpture and entertainment await you in the inflated world of The Balloongineers. Royal Sorell and his friends make the most amazing creations; lions and tigers, and bears, oh my! and motorcycles and cartoon characters and costumes, all made out of balloons! The Balloongineers will amaze and mesmerize audiences of all ages with their incredible creations. Owner Royal Sorell is an international award winning balloon artist and children's entertainer. Call Royal Events and Entertainment at (978) 531-7974 today to book The Balloongineers for your next event!
The Balloongineers is all about the balloon entertainment Royal started twisting balloons way back in 1988. It started simply enough with an insistance by our good friend Spunky T. Clown that we should give it a try - "its fun!" he said. "Nah..." we said, "thats just doggies and giraffes". He kept on insisting until Royal gave in. He was right, it was easy, it was fun, and boy the kids just loved it. Royal twisted and we practiced and popped a few balloons, soon he was pretty good (so we thought). Then one day we met Mike Decker (aka Hey You the Clown), and his creations opened up a whole new world for us. You see, Mike was twisting using two and more balloons to create not just balloon animals, but balloon sculpture. Since then balloon art has become not just a hobby but a unique expression of a new and emerging art form. Royal and his friends started creating multiple balloon figures including teddy bears in hearts, lions eating mice, monkeys climbing palm trees and much more. Then the artist in Royal kicked in and he really took off, he created his own balloon versions of famous cartoon characters, balloon masks and full balloon costumes for kids (of any size) to wear. That's when he conceived "Theatre des Ballons" a stage show combining storytelling, mime, balloon costumes and audience members. And we can't help bragging about our large sculptures. The 9' Tall Dragon which we made for the 1995 International Balloon Arts Convention, and a 10' tall cat made of 260 (pencil) balloons which was made for the Japanese Quiz show Naru Hodo - the World and was Featured on the Cover of Balloons and Parties Today Magazine. For information on reates and availability for your event, vcall (978) 531-7974 or e-mail royal@balloondesigns.com
To see more examples of Royal's Balloon Cereations Click Here. In addition to his amazing balloon talents, Royal is an accomplished Magician and Mime, having studied for 4 summers with Marcel Marceau